About Me

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About me.. I have a name, it's Jordan. I'm 19 and I'm a college student. I spend most of my time reading and gaming, and have somewhat of a social life. I like the smell of paper and perfume. I dislike crying children( humans are wired for that) and I dislike children. I also enjoy pretending like I can sing, and having long conversations with people I have never known.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Let There Be Blogs! And It Was So.

Woah, well.. This is my first blog. And it looks very different from forums. I have no idea how I got "liabilityandfire", but blogger seems to frown upon" thisistotallynotmalware" So, I'm just writing this blog to follow my my life and what happens in it. It's up to you to care or not.  For today, though, I'll describe myself, mainly because my About Me box hates America, and threatens to blow my blog up.

   I'm a college student. I write a blog, as of today. I live off ramen noodles and pizza. I have no idea what major I am, though I'm trying to find out. I am an Eagle Scout, and proud of it.  I tend to take life by the horns. As one of my friends once described me, when life gives me lemons, I make grape juice. I end up in the ER every semester ( 3 and still going strong!) I type whatever I am thinking of, the second I think of it, so I jump from subject to sub- oh, look, Facebook tab!

   I don't drive. Not legally, at least. I don't like smoking, drugs, drinking. So, I'm a goody two-shoes. Go ahead. Throw something at me.  I browse 4chan, reddit, and other sites on the internet. . I write for fun, and someday hope to be an author. I have a social life, and at night time, I bury myself behind a keyboard. I swear when I'm angry. I hate dub-step. I hate people who rant about things they don't understand, and don't know how to do any research whatsoever. I watch black and white films, and I love anything with Leslie Nielsen.

    I'm stuck in the friend zone with all my lady friends, or lack thereof.   I'm that guy where you hear "I like you as a friend", but that happens to me about 100 times. I play video games for a living pretty much, and yea, I get paid for it. I'm somewhere between "nerd" and geek". I enjoy running and attempting at parkour.

 I like lemonade, Mike and Ike candy, Dr.Pepper, and basically everything else that will kill me. I hate vegetables. I like fruit. I like cats. I love fruit roll ups.

As for family, I have an awesome one. My mother raised me alone, and she did awesome. And even better, she put up with me, and somehow resisted the urge to kill me. My grandmother and grandpa have let me live with them for a quite a bit, and they're the most giving people you can imagine. I have a great grandmother, called Fama, due to my inability to say anything right. I have three baby cousins in Alabama, and with them, an aunt and uncle, who are Boston Red Sox fans, which doesn't work well for my New York Yankee collection of bats and dirt from the field.

I never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups. There aren't enough words to describe my love for orchestras and plays. I write for fun, not for any other purpose. And  I'm going to post whenever I feel like it.

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